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Public Wiki
[GM] Resources for Game Masters
This is a section primarily oriented towards game masters, though sections of it have been made public for transparency and the public good.
[Start here] Sector Umbra
The relevant information about the server and its rules. All things you need to get started.
Lore Index
This page is meant to be an index for all significant lore documents regarding the Sector Umbra setting. They aim to provide established facts about the world around the characters, and are maintained by the Lore Master team.
NanoTrasen Intranet
This page is meant to be read in-character, along with any other pages in the NT Intranet section!
Get to know the history of your friends on the station with our quick guide on each Nanotrasen-affiliated species! *Disclaimer: Our research team is currently confirming facts regarding any species not found on this page.
The Syndicate
Driven by insatiable greed, the Syndicate is a cabal united by anti-Nanotrasen sentiment in pursuit of power, control and profit. From amateur pirates and smugglers to brutal mercenaries and unhinged scientists, they are a dark alliance of the galaxy’s worst w...
Sector Umbra Home
This is the homepage for the Sector Umbra SS14 server. We are a HRP server which is currently invite-only, hosting regular sessions. Server Rules Our server operates on a separate set of rules, derived from Wizards Den Salamander. We made this choice with the ...
Server Rules
These are the rules in effect on our session server during sessions. Please familiarize yourself with them. These rules are also available in-game through the Rules button in the escape menu, however the wiki version supercedes it. Players are expected to foll...
Frequently Asked Questions
General Server Rules and Guidelines What is the expected level of roleplay on this server? We expect a high level of roleplay (HRP) on this server. Characters should have well-thought-out backstories, and both in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) chat ...
Universal Interstellar Representative Commission
DRAFT This document is in its public draft phase and does not have effect on ongoing sessions. Last updated: 13th of May 2024 Providing universal guidance The Universal Interstellar Representative Commission, or UIRC for short, was founded as a joint effort ...
Universal Beginnings of Law
PLAYTEST This document is in its playtest phase and may be modified without notice based on feedback. 0. Preface This document provides permissions and prohibitions, expressed as directives, for UIRC Member Collectives to uphold, with intention to uphold int...
Space Law
PLAYTEST This document is in its playtest phase and may be modified without notice based on feedback. Abbreviated Space Law Jurisdiction: NanoTrasen Shuttles, NanoTrasen General-Operations Stations, NanoTrasen Transit Stations, NanoTrasen Command Stations La...
Standard Operating Procedure
PLAYTEST This document is in its playtest phase and may be modified without notice based on feedback. This document is composed in the form of standing orders, which can be referred to by their identifier by NanoTrasen staff as: "SO X-Y", where X represents ...
Personal Property in the Workplace
In-character ruling: Rules and guidelines on personal items While this page is part of the NanoTrasen Intranet section of the wiki, intended as in-character reference documents, this specific page also conveys a concrete ruling used in the Sector Umbra projec...
A random assortment of commands
Note for the Trial GM's: This was intended to a page that explains the roleplay standards when playing any CC role in-character. Kate has hijacked this. I blame Kate. -TsjipTsjip WIP Admin Documentation for commands and general VV stuff WIP This document ai...
Admin Rulings
1 - Discovering stealth items Ruling issued: 30/08/2024 - Ruling not updated since publish. Stealth items are antagonist items that are only distinguishable from the item they are trying to pose as via their associated game mechanics. This includes but is not ...
Project Structure
Shown below is a listing of all major roles that make the project tick. Each role is described, along with its current members listed. Additionally, a short description is provided to indicate how one joins the team. Playerbase Arguably the most important grou...
CentComm Rulings & GM Information
CentComm Rulings & Game Master Information Central Command In-Game Central Command In-Game is the bridge between Game Masters and players without the use of Out-Of-Character methods such as the AHelp Relay to communicate any relevant or important information....
TsjipTsjip's guide to toolshed
This page displays how to make and use toolshed commands. NOTE: A lot of this is a skill you build up over time as you gain experience with the commands. Testing is a must, all of the time, no matter what. If you're unsure what a command does, don't run it in ...
Game Master policy
This document is meant to serve as a baseline of expectations for Game Masters and Trial Game Masters within the Sector Umbra project. It is intentionally broad, and will change over time as the needs of the community change. General concepts Any member of any...
Personal Items Guide
How to add a Personal Item: Introduction: The Umbra Sector offers characters the opportunity to bring special and personalised items and clothing to the station. These items can have personal sprites, icons or just be a renamed item with slightly different p...