The Syndicate
Driven by insatiable greed, the Syndicate is a cabal united by anti-Nanotrasen sentiment in pursuit of power, control and profit. From amateur pirates and smugglers to brutal mercenaries and unhinged scientists, they are a dark alliance of the galaxy’s worst within Nanotrasen’s borders, funded by the deep pockets of corrupt business tycoons to do as they please. While this pact between factions has granted them a semblance of order amidst the chaos, it has spurned each side to vie for dominion over the rest.
Within the hierarchy of the Syndicate, their wishes and demands are maintained by the Triune, the companies present at the Syndicate’s founding and the only seats of their Inner Circle that cannot be revoked. CyberSun Industries, the primary investor and largest corporation within their ranks. The Gorlex Marauders, a ruthless warband whose might serves as the Hand of the Syndicate. And Waffle Corporation, a household name turned merchant of death as the mind behind their arsenal.
OOC Note: Shown factions are those that are surely going to be public knowledge. Those not seen here are either kept secret for various IC reasons and will be found on another part of the wiki, or are still unsure of what direction to take them.