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Personal Property in the Workplace

In-character ruling: Rules and guidelines on personal items While this page is part of the NanoTrasen Intranet section of the wiki, intended as in-character reference documents, this specific page also conveys a concrete ruling used in the Sector Umbra project.

At the NanoTrasen Corporation, we acknowledge the benefits of employees bringing personal keepsakes to the workplace. Studies indicate that personal items can enhance productivity by up to 14%! However, it is crucial that these items do not disrupt productivity or pose risks to others. To maintain a safe and productive environment, we have established guidelines incorporated into the NanoTrasen Corporation employee contract. These guidelines ensure that employees know what is appropriate to bring to the workplace.

Important Notices 

  1. The following lists are not exhaustive. Always consult your locally designated NanoTrasen Corporation officials if in doubt.
  2. Before bringing any personal items to the workplace, they must be approved by your local Central Command team. Items considered part of a specific job's uniform must be surrendered if you change roles, resign, or are terminated, and must be returned at the end of your shift. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions by NanoTrasen Security or Central Command. Suspended employees must refrain from bringing related personal property to the workplace.
  3. Remember: Safety moth says it's better to go without a personal possession than to risk security intervention!

Items Deemed Appropriate:

  • Clothing that complies with the uniform policy of your current role.
  • Trinkets that do not compromise personal or other's safety, nor conflict with job-specific uniforms.
  • Items necessary for medical purposes that are safe for the workplace (e.g. eyeglasses).

Items Deemed Inappropriate:

  • Weapons or items that could be perceived as weapons.
  • Personal safety equipment and tools. Items belonging to this category are always provided to crew that require it, and have undergone rigorous testing to ensure personnel safety.
  • Trinkets or clothing that mimic or could be mistaken for the uniform of a job you do not hold on the shift.
  • Standard-issue items with unauthorised modifications.
  • Trinkets or clothing that include functional value outside the scope of your current job/department, and which the NanoTrasen Corporation does not provide an equivalent for.
  • Any item that is manufactured by a rival company or classified as contraband or restricted gear under Space Law.

OOC section: Further clarification In essence, this means personal items are restricted to cosmetic items or exact reskins of existing items that are not any of the following:

  • Weapons, or anything with a primary purpose of being used as such.
  • Tools, including the basic and advanced variants.
  • Safety equipment, such as hardsuits, ...
  • Clothing that would conflict with uniforms or identifiability at a distance.

It is possible to request that an item be joblocked, to allow for a personalised uniform for example. This is subject to heavy scrutiny, however. If in doubt, ask a Game Master. They need to approve your item anyways before it can be merged.