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A random assortment of commands

Note for the Trial GM's: This was intended to a page that explains the roleplay standards when playing any CC role in-character. Kate has hijacked this. I blame Kate. -TsjipTsjip

WIP Admin Documentation for commands and general VV stuff WIP

This document aims to bring both common and obscure commands to light for ease of use by the admin team.

Some of the examples used use arbitrary entity IDs as well as usernames for clarity. You should change these to fit your needs.


Classic/VV commands

If you do not have the permissions to use any number of these, you are either a Trial Admin, or you do not have Full Game Master Permissions.

Simple commands

Helpful (Basics)

Command Description Syntax
help, oldhelp Returns a description of the following command and it's usage. help keyword
list Returns a list of all commands. Paired with a keyword, returns a list of commands containing that word. list keyword
adminwho Returns a list of online admins, excluding deadminned admins.
aghost Turn yourself into an admin ghost, or back again.
deadmin Removes all admin functions from the user.
readmin Returns all admin functions to the user after they deadmin. Not necessary to run upon joining.
quit Closes the Game.
tpto Teleport all targets to the first ID/user in the command. tpto Skarlet Chief_Engineer liltenhead 1234567
tp Teleports yourself to the coordinates on the specified map. Syntax goes X, Y, mapID. tp 14 -186 61
customvote Creates a custom vote for all players, requires at least two choices. Always do this before running any important events. customvote "Do fish fly?" Yes No "Sometimes, I dream about cheese" Maybe
delayroundstart Delay round start in seconds. Leave blank to pause, use again to unpause. delayroundstart 30
votemenu Opens the 'Call Vote' menu. votemenu
warp Teleports you to a warp point. warp evac
cancelvote Cancels an ongoing vote. Autocompletes. cancelvote 3

Helpful (Adminning)

Command Description Syntax
lsobjectives Shows all objectives of the targeted user. lsobjectives Skarlet
crewmanifest Opens the station's manifest without using a PDA. Autocompletes the station's ID. crewmanifest 1234567
rename Renames the entity and also its PDA rename 1234567 "John Centcomm"
delayroundend Delays the round end summary in seconds. Use while the evacuation shuttle is in transit to centcom. delayroundend 90
griddrag Used like a force gun, moves grids around quickly. Use at your own risk, it is a toggle. griddrag
kicknonwhitelist Kicks non-whitelisted players from the server. kicknonwhitelist
ban_exemption_update Used for adding ban exemptions, eg. to exclude player from IP ban on shared connections. These exemptions require votes. ban_exemption_update Repo


Command Description Syntax
vvwrite Used to change a component's values.
vvread Used to read a component's values. Used like vvwrite.
addcomp Adds a component to an entity. addcomp 1234567 Jittering
fixgridatmos Resets the grid's atmos. This WILL reset pipe contents as well. fixgridatmos 1234567
showradiation Displays a radiation source's range, the entities it hits, and the radiation protection of entities. showradiation

Admin Abuse

Command Description Syntax
scale Lets you change an entity's scale. 1 is the default value. scale 1234567 0.5
playglobalsound Plays a sound based on the given path and sets the volume. playglobalsound /Uploaded/Skarlet/pretzels.ogg 1
adduplink Adds an uplink to a PDA and links it to a user. adduplink Skarlet
addobjective Adds an objective to the user. Traitor objectives can be found here. addobjective Skarlet CMOHyposprayStealObjective
rmobjective Removes an objective from the user. Objective number is found using addobjective. rmobjective Skarlet 0
setmind Puts the user’s soul into the ID (may require the entity to have a mind). setmind 1234567 Skarlet
addhand Adds a hand to the entity, not all entities are supported, requires the "Hands" component in the entity. addhand 1234567
addgamerule Adds the chosen game event to the game. Autocompletes. addgamerule MeteorSwarm
endgamerule Removes the chosen gamerule from the game. Autocompletes. endgamerule 1234567

Useful command strings

All of these are achievable by VVing an entity and clicking the server components instead of writing a command.

aGhost privacy strings

Change your ghost's layer with:

        vvwrite /player/Skarlet/AttachedEntity/Visibility/Layer 7

Putting your ghost on layer 7 puts you on a different layer than other ghosts, which means you won't be seen by anyone but those who can see layer 7.

With the same notion, setting your layer to 0 would make you visible to players. Sadly, you won't be able to set your layer back to normal after the fact and players will still see you no matter what layer you set yourself to, meaning you'll need to aghost once more.

You can also set the layer your eyes can see; by default, aghosts cannot see all layers. You have to manually set it with:

        vvwrite /player/Skarlet/AttachedEntity/Eye/VisibilityMask 7

Borg Laws

  • Check borg laws with:
        player:entity "nikthechampiongr" laws:get

Upload tutorial and commands (Game Master)

Command Description Syntax
uploadfile Used to upload singular files. Works anywhere on your PC. uploadfile Skarlet/pretzels.ogg
uploadfolder Used to upload a folder. The folder's name has to be one word or it won't work. [NEEDS DOCUMENTATION]
loadprototype Uploads a YML and runs it. Make sure you have the right material in the YML before uploading. loadprototype

Uploading a prototype with uploadfile WIP

Uploading singular files is very straightforward, but if you are uploading multiple files for, example, a prototype, it can become quite tiresome. Here is an example to show exactly how to use this command to upload a prototype.

In this example, I will upload a set of pajamas:

        uploadfile Skarlet/pretzels.ogg

Then all you need to do is run playglobalsound the way I formatted

VV/Components Documentation

A lot of components have had their values unlocked to admins, so a lot of customization is possible now.

 stationID, then open StationBankAccountComponent 

Lets you adjust the station's spesos account.

Some components are placed in the mind, rather than the entity. This allows you to change things such as antag status or custom objectives. Open the MindContainer component on a player's entity. The second string should say "Mind 1234567". Use the VV command with this to access components such as TraitorRole, InitialInfected, or RoleBriefing.


Toolshed commands must start with a > to work properly. The official (unfinished) toolshed documentation can be found here, but it is not necessary to read, nor to learn. Most toolshed commands have autocomplete.

Some commands to build off of

You can add explain in front of a toolshed command/string to show you exactly what they do and how to use them.

Command Description Permission
explain You can add this in front of a command/string to show you exactly what they do and how to use them.
entities Returns a list of all or specified entities. Game Master

String examples

Playing with entities

entities lets you affect multiple entities at once with your commands. You can mix and match commands to achieve a lot of useful or fun things. In the example here, we use entities to return a BQL list of all ghosts:

       > entities with Ghost visualize

This particular string is useful should you need to find out how many ghosts you have access to for an event.

> stations:get

Lets you find out what the station's entity ID is.

Code wishlist

Feel free to add commands to this wishlist to make buttons or verbs out of them; This would be useful for common usage commands.

  • Borg Law Button
  • 1 2 3 4


> entities prototyped MobGlockroach do "makeghostrole $ID GLOCKROACH \"ARRGGHHH\" \"BANG BANG POW\""


Trialmin Agenda: Ban Skarlet Blah

  • Attend the skarlet hate meeting tomorrow.

    • Every admin is invited
    • except skarlet
    • :D
  • Destroy skarlet's document

  • Backspace it all

  • Gaslight the trialmins

  • Gatekeep

  • Girlboss

  • Get a bingo

  • Ban innocent players

  • Unban shitter 1984 It's just like George Orwell's book 1984

WTF!!! L


“Take it, that courage you have locked in your heart. Awaken it, wipe your tears, be strong and use that courage.” -Skarlet

Stolen Borrowed From Skarlet, best Headmin of the Universe